Friday, December 3, 2010

My Imaginary Friendship With A Lutheran Pastor

Ladies and Gentlemen,

From 1990 to 2000, nearly each year, except for 1999 I used to participate at the children's camp of a Lutheran Pastor in Austria... (Only Switzerland is more beautiful than Austria...) He used to be my only friend in the camp and he used to be my only male friend in life: we supported each other and we trusted each other - I was even allowed to sleep in his bedroom which ment much prestige obviously...

In 1999 I came to the idea to beg him for shelter as I couldn't bear the way my foster-father treated me at home... I wrote this Pastor 3 long letters but he didn't answer any of them... Then I got a letter from him which I threw into the River Danube with anger... Despite of all of this I succeeded in participating at the children's camp in 2000 again... However he refused to help me again, he shouted and spit foam and in Octobre when I returned to Austria at the last time he even called the police and then I was brought into a mental institution...

I still don't understand why he changed in 1999 and 2000 so suddenly and in such a radical way... He has not apologized for his behavior since then that means for 10 years now and he has not explained it... Have I lost all of my contact to reality or is it possible that this all is just happening to me?

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

PS: I know many other strange people like Madonna and the above Lutheran Pastor who play with you like a cat with the mouse - but it was really boring to list up all of them...

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