Thursday, December 16, 2010

Success Guide For Brokers

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Caution! This is only a theory!

I was wondering how I could influence the world's stock markets in a positive way (so that I gain much money) - alone... I have found out the following:

a) There are so called "good shares" which have got a great future - their price is going to grow for sure... So they are not only lucrative but automatic and comfortable at the same time: you buy them once and then they only earn money on and on...
b) You can also deal with crude oil ("daytrade")... You have to do this business yourself and it cannot be automatic because you need to buy and to sell - but you can learn it... Dealing with crude oil can bring more money a day than any shares (given that you don't invest more money in shares than 10% of your total "toy money")...
c) Now if you make every work day a little profit then it compensates the fluctuation of the courses of the shares - you don't even think of selling your good shares...
d) I think the stock exchange collapses when each and every shareholder sells... Otherwise the prices of shares should rise high up in the skies... (There is a share for example that is twice as expensive as gold...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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