Monday, December 13, 2010

Winning The Peace

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Winning means finding a creative and constructive solution for a difficulty and it also means finding a creative and constructive way for using our energies... Peace means that there are less and less challenges to manage... So how do we find enough sources for trouble and crisis in peace - how do we find intellectual excitement?

a) Growing numbers definitely mean a continous crisis... With numbers growing you always have to find new social, technical or linguistic establishments and infrastructure, respectively in order to keep things going on...
b) Children are also an eternal source for trouble and crisis: they need to be socialized on one hand - on the other hand society has to explore and to discover the new treasures that are within each and every child... So that the new personalities can also contribute to building human culture...
c) Growing social differences, mostly in terms of financial differences... O.k., there are fewer and fewer poor countries on Earth, there will be always differences among personalities and you will always need bodyguards and armoured cars because of some temporarily crazy people... However the fortune of the Wolfinger-Boeing Family is far away from other families' savings...

I hope that there are many more sources for trouble and crisis in peace as well that we can solve with dignity... Anybody who discovers such a source please report it to the responsible scientific organization... Thank you!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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