Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Airbreathing Rocket Engine

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hypersonic never goes out of style either... The for a hypersonic jet necessary airbreathing rocket engines function in quite a simple way... First the aircraft is boosted to approx. twice of the speed of the sound so that really much air flows through the narrow entrance opening of the airbreathing rocket engine - that means it gets even faster, thin and hot... In this hot air you can inject hydrogen and then it burns on the exhaust side of the airbreathing rocket engine like in a space rocket and propels the aircraft to approx. ten times of the speed of the sound...

You can find this description of hypersonic travelling at many other places in the web, too... I would only like to remark that the admirable Concorde was a development of the 1960's and 1970's and development can't really happen backwards... That means supersonic aircraft cannot disappear or they cannot be smaller and slower either... What's more hypersonic jets should be produced one day, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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