Wednesday, December 22, 2010

One Size Fits All

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Modern car engines (for example silent(!) micro-turbines) can run on nearly every kind of fuel:

a) all kinds of crude oil products;
b) natural gas;
c) biofuel;
d) and one day hydrogen as well...

This is good both for the environment and our vallet... So environmental protection doesn't depend on the engines... However you cannot have 2 or 3 different fuel tanks in the same car obviously and then your car is less flexible that decreases its value and its everyday usability, respectively...

Therefore I suggest to build "replacable fuel tanks" in cars... That means you have got a fuel tank in your car that can store crude oil products and biofuel - however you could change this fuel tank for a natural gas tank, too as an option - and you could install in the same space a hydrogen tank, too as a further option (if the hydrogen tank isn't too heavy)...

Fuel tanks are at very secure and hidden places in cars because of crash safety - but you could also design them so that you can reach and change them from the boot... This is only a question of design I guess...

The next step could be a standard fuel container (the same size and the same form) for all cars... You could change these standard fuel containers at the petrol stations when they are empty for filled fuel containers - in a secure and comfortable way, let's say, from underneath... This would be a question of cooperation and understanding among car factories for the environment and for the costumers... (A bigger car can use a smaller tank nowadays, too because it can have more hybrid drive that means more batteries...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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