Thursday, November 19, 2015

Peaceful Life For 2 Million Humans

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My excellent friend, Louis XIV had the idea that humans should live in villages of fairy tales - so that bad things avoid us... If you suppose that your environment determines what happens to you it would make sense to live in villages of fairy tales where you can drive enemies away easily...

Unfortunately many kinds of enemies exist in an independent way from your childish expectations so you have to arm yourself more seriously than by the creation of the world of fairy tales... In your home you can still store a couple of elements of fairy tales - so that bad things avoid us... On the other hand all enemies of a human strive to eat him or her, so the protection of fairy tales basically must fight real-life enemies, too... Areas of fairy tales could exist in greater dimensions, too if protection provided by fairy tales is not proven as ridiculous...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Saturday, November 7, 2015

I Am Immensely Being Honored

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have had the privilege to be invited into The White House for living... I would like to say yes to the invitation out of 2 reasons:

a) This offering has been the warmest way to invite me to the USA...

b) Effective military security needs this measure...

Thank you very much indeed and God bless the USA!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team