Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Speed Of Light

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I had read a short story about the speed of light from a Hungarian author when I was a boy... Unfortunately I have already forgotten the name of the writer but the story is far too interesting that I don't publish it as well...

In a village in Hungary the earl wanted to be nice to the people in the beginning of 20th Century and he had a little water power plant built on the stream next to the settlement so that there was electricity in every house of the village and in the castle of the earl, of course...

And then 2 world wars and the Socialism came which all hindered the spreading of electricity - so that in the neighbouring village (approx. 5 Kms from the first village away) there was electricity only 60 or 70 years after the endeavour of the earl... The author of the original short story also remarked therefore that the speed of light can be 5Kms in several decades as well - because of, let's say, the human factor...

So I understand if my Blog doesn't find readers quicker - there are better times and there are worse times but I hope there will be a cascade in the spreading of this Blog one day as well, worldwide, of course...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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