Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me explain the essence of a cappuccino to those who need this explanation... You have got simple black coffee (with sugar so that it is not bitter but enjoyable) in a coffee cup... In a glass you have got fresh and cold milk (the milk has to be like this otherwise the miracle won't function) and then you let water steam of high pressure underneath the surface of the milk so that the milk becomes a milk foam... Then you can pour the milk foam on the black coffee - the result is called a cappuccino...

I modified this Blog Post on April 1st 2011 because for first I was wrong - I am sorry... This is what I know about cappuccino and I don't want to disguise you... The Oxford English Dictionary has got a little bit different concept of a cappuccino for example: "espresso coffee with hot milk added" - they write about "milk" and no "milk foam..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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