Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Magical Year 2002

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It was in 2002 when I realized that my wife, Berta Wolfinger-Boeing, her companies and employees, our family and me are protected by the United States Marine Corps... That is why I used to wear baseball-caps with the pattern of the training uniform of the USMC for years... And everything has been better since then even if the USMC has not really started with our transparent protection yet... They definitely have to collect and analyse data before they start anything in order to reach optimism...

Hereby I state that I do not trust any bodyguards except for the members of the USMC and allied partners... I trust neither the police nor private bodyguards - they are approved fakers and far too undetermined in the question on which side they really stand: they have got bad reflexes... (Such a statement must be important for the insurance company that deals with us...)

I have to mention, too the USMC are capable of anything... That means if they decide not to act then it is better that way for everybody and if they decide to act then they reach whatever they want... For example:
"What is a General like?"
"A General is like James Bond actually..."

So thank you wholeheartedly to the USMC and allied partners for their work this far!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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