Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Nation - New Problems - New Solutions

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am not writing about the USA directly because every generation of a nation (let's say a generation equals a century) faces new challenges that require new solutions... The question is how do you achieve these necessary new solutions? Conversation and discussion are the most basic methods to come to new insights - in all areas of science... Conversations can be national, international or you can even talk to God...

Whenever you refuse conversation your decay and decomposition begins instead of development and elevation - these are not manaces but simple and everyday facts... National security must also start with negotiations and mutual understanding and patience - war is the opposite of all of these...

Examine your souls today: is there war within?

I myself, an obviously insane and mentally disabled person can offer this Blog with the RSS News Feed Option to the people of the world... Because I might contain a little piece of truth as well that could be loved and that could contribute to the future of Earth... Where have you got the habit from to be disinterested?

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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