Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Solution For Everything

Ladies and Gentlemen,

An atom and elementary particles, respectively have got everything that it takes to travel at the speed of light: they are turning around themselves, they have got an electric charge etc. - that is much energy, still they are stationary... Thank God, because this is how our stable world can be built up in an order and without chaos...

However we have got the feeling more and more often that it was also good to build spaceships that can fly faster than the speed of light and to travel to new planets and civilizations... The question is how can you communicate additional energy and intelligence to atoms and elementary particles, respectively so that they speed up to a comfortable interstellar cruising pace? I think the solution is within neutrinos: they have got the necessary energy, speed and intelligence to get the atoms of a space ship mobile - without distructing the structures that are built up of stable atoms... Because neutrinos are as polite as not to destroy or to change anything that comes in their way - they would really only communicate and give energy and data to the atoms...

So let us produce neutrinos in cyclotrons and let us give them to objects... For first let us make experiments on cats after all: "Kitty, kitty - zumm..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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