Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I know as much about neutrinos (short form: nutrinos) that they come from the Sun or they are a part of other cosmic radiations, they are as fast as the light but they don't react with matter - that means they speed through everything, most likely also the scientific equipments that you use to observe nuclear particles and reactions... That is why neutrinos can be observed the best inside of mountains where there can be no other radiation than that of neutrinos...

Now if these elementary particles are strange for physicists then they effect on something after all: on the brain of these scientists... As they are exciting and mysterious; they react with the mind and the consciousness of humans... By using (or just ignoring) most of their scientific instruments...

So you can say that neutrinos differ from conventional elementary particles by containing - what we call in everyday life - intelligence... So to say neutrinos might be sly... Once again: they reach the scientists' brain and affect on it by being exciting and strange... However intelligence can only originate from living creatures: animals, humans or God - as far as we know...

If there are so called "supernatural" recognitions then it is also possible that they are caused by neutrinos affecting on our brains in everyday terms... Dreams, intuitions and other unconscious reactions... Because neutrinos seem to be intelligent and they seem to be able to affect on our brain... (Light + intelligence = neutrino?)

Please don't give this little bit of a theory any names! Thank you!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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