Saturday, December 25, 2010

Project For Cutting Costs

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have come to the following insights:

a) I have got only very few enemies and they are only temporarily sick people - bodyguards are superflous;
b) bored bodyguards are a very bad and dangerous society to everyone;
c) I only want to employ soldiers who are also scientifically active...

Therefore I'd like to quit the contract of the Wolfinger-Boeing and De la Mikula Families with the U.S. Military as soon as possible... This should be my contribution to the development of the relationship of the Military and the Royalty...

I do not care about the emotions of servicemen towards me and my family members - servicemen should have as many friends as we and they should work scientifically as much as we and then they would also feel better...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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