Thursday, December 2, 2010

Message In The Bottle

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have got 2 favourites when it is about hydrogen combustion engines...

First of all there is the 2-stroke-diesel like utilized in ships because of its excellent efficiency... By a turbo-charger you could increase both its flexibility and its efficiency... However who likes constant numbers of revolvings could have the 2-stroke-diesel as a range-extender in electric or hybrid cars as well...

My other favourite is the Wankel-engine: it could combine the efficiency of gas turbines with the flexibility and cultivated running of combustion engines... I think we could reach higher numbers of revolvings and less internal waste if the Wankel-discs were perfectly round and they had the shape of a circle, with the usual and triangle-shaped piston inside...

My dislike and my fear:

I don't know how the number of revolvings is regulated in today's combustion engines... I hope not by the quantity of injected fuel: the more fuel you burn the worse the efficiency is and then you get a lower number of revolvings... Instead of this nightmare of wasting fuel you could use a mechanic or electronic regulator (like on steam engines) to control the rpms...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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