Sunday, March 13, 2011

Luxury-Spy March 14th 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

WARNING! The theories below might be absolutely crazy as well - so don't try them on your own private jets until the aviation authorities give you permission... Thank you!

Once upon a time that means in the early phase of avionics there used to be double-wing airplanes as well, most often with only one engine... But this single engine was enough because you had lots of uplift on the excessive wing surfaces so that the airplane could fly - securely and in a fuel-efficient way...

Modern large aircraft have got most commonly 4 jet engines because of security considerations and in order to have an excessive propulsion... And then it is commonly known that you can start with only 3 good engines, too and you can stay in the air with only 2 good engines of 4 ones... However I have got 3 theories based on the old-fashioned double-wing aircraft that deliver different results...

1st theory: The let's say 4 jet engines of a large aircraft cause a huge acceleration forward - but this might be the wrong direction as you want to fly by your airplane upward, too... As you have got oversized wing surfaces on every aircraft you could have enough uplift at a slower forward acceleration, too... That means either you move quickly forward or you ascend in the skies...

2nd theory: If you accelerate strongly forward then the air underneath the wings is faster - but that means it is thinner, too... And thinner air means less uplift in the end... So a quick forward acceleration is in vain according to this theory...

3rd theory: You can also sail by every aircraft for a shorter or longer while - aircraft are designed this way with an oversized wing surface... In the lower and thicker layers of the air you only need less speed to sail obviously... So you only need to add a very little vector of speed and of direction to the standing aircraft so that it ascends from the ground and sails...

That is why I think the following: If you tried to start by a 4-engine aircraft with only 1 or - sure is sure - 2 engines on then the acceleration was painfully slow and the pilots had probably an uncertain feeling... But what if this uncertain feeling was already the uplift awakening uncommonly early and throwing the aircraft in all directions? Then you only had to trim the elevators upward and to use this uplift and to fly suddenly in the air just like a helicopter with a certain exaggaration...

So you could start and fly even by a large aircraft with only 1 or 2 engines on and you could land sailing just like the Space Shuttle - all of these in an extremely fuel-efficient way compared to using all 4 engines of the aircraft... Of course, in our modern times you didn't only need to train the pilots to fly with only so few engines on but you would also need a software onboard the aircraft that coordinated and directed and harmonized these few-engine and fuel-saving flights in an expectedly sovereign way...

I would call the necessary pilot training and the software for few-engine flights the "EXTENDED RANGE PACKAGE..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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