Friday, March 11, 2011

JDLM Announces Paradise Global Airline

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As some calculations predict an Earth population of 30 Billion humans and as the aircraft of The Boeing Company also mean a summit in engineering culture and state-of-the-art technology I don't think it is an exaggaration to establish a 4th worldwide airline... The new Paradise Global Airline will be based on Boeing airplanes, too and it has the same intentions and purposes as its sister airlines Harmony Global and Globalization... However as we recon with increasing peace on Earth and as we would like to contribute to world peace as well Paradise Global Airline places the order for more airliners:

a) 400 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinentals;
b) 200 Boeing 797 Sonic Cruisers;
c) 100 Boeing 979 New Concordes and
d) 100 Boeing 989 Concorde Plus hyperjets...

Paradise Global Airline would like to have its jets in a completely white livery which symbolizes peace with purple red inscriptions and a purple red logo which should symbolize a touch of welfare...

"Have many children and grow in number... Fill the earth and be its master..." (Genesis 1, 28)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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