Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Easy Ride

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Now if an aircraft emits appropriate sound (maybe at the level of molecules because when you want to fly supersonic you have to compare everything to the molecules of the air) then you could even believe that it becomes supersonic because the sound is behind and the airplane is before and so the airplane is probably faster than the emitted sound...

If the above theory functions is it also possible that a spacecraft which emits light becomes faster than the speed of light because the light is behind and the spacecraft is before and then the spacecraft is probably faster than the emitted light...

I think when it is about interstellar flights you have to compare everything to starlight because starlight can defeat the distance between stars the best: starlight must be the most common interstellar medium... And if you are in the gravity field and in the attraction of one star then you should emit the light of at least two stars - stars are countable - so that the spacecraft is more powerful than the star of which orbit the spacecraft is whithin... As you can only feel very little of the gravity of an orbitted star it could be maybe enough as well to emit (approx. twice) as much light as you can see of the light of the very star - no more power of a star reaches you even within its orbit...

Still it would be appropriate to have a thermonuclear reactor as an energy source onboard the interstellar spacecraft... (The above is a poem and it is funny...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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