Monday, March 7, 2011

JDLM Unveils New Airline Name And Livery

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to name my new global airline for homosexual men "Intelligent Decision Airline" because of the following:

a) according to my experiences homosexuality has nothing to do with "intelligence" and "decision" but it is the opposite of these concepts - so the name is intended to be paradox and a joke however you can still understand it once you are homosexual;
b) the name also wants provide with intimacy for our passengers;
c) we really want to offer irresistable prices for an excellent service - so it would be really an "Intelligent Decision" to travel with our airline...

For our aircraft I have found out black and dark green and black and yellow liveries, respectively as I wanted to choose mysterious and exciting colours after all...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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