Tuesday, March 8, 2011

JDLM Announces Order For Further Boeing Aircraft In Sunrise Livery

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Forecasts for the worldwide large aircraft market show us that a global long-range airliner operator is very much needed because of the economic, security, environmental and comfort interests of the growing number of air tavelers... That is why I am hereby solemnly establishing the Harmony Global Airline that intends to answer the requirements of globalization and of the growing population of Earth...

I would like to place the following orders for Harmony Global Airline:

a) 200 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinentals;
b) 100 Boeing 797 Sonic Cruisers;
c) 40 Boeing 979 New Concords and
d) 40 Boeing 989 Concorde Plus hyperjets...

I have chosen the above long-range airliners because of their unique technology, performance and comfort which are all needed on the long-distance flights of our globalized future... If the new Sunrise Livery of Boeing is also available for customers then I'd like to order the aircraft of Harmony Global Airline in this red-orange-white marvel of painting because it represents to me the eternal changing of the World and the warmth of worldwide relationships...

"I may be a fool but one of very good intention..." (JDLM)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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