Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hydrogen Factory - Theories About The Price Of Hydrogen Technologies

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I know about 2 major theories about the pricing of hydrogen itself and of related technologies:

1) Hydrogen technologies come mostly from space research (fuel tanks, enrichment of the hydrogen flame with oxygen in order to improve efficiency, fuel cells etc.) or they are cutting-edge in an other way (cars with hydrogen-fuelled combustion engines or airplanes with hydrogen-fuelled jet engines could be used for 50 years as you cannot really enhance these technologies any more etc.) - so vehicles based on hydrogen technologies would represent a much greater value than vehicles based on crude oil products... Therefore prices that are the 10-fold of prices of crude-oil-based technologies could be explained and appropriate...


a) I believe that hydrogen technologies wherever they come from should compose a global and elementary infrastructure by which you could experience other people and discover the wonders of the world without regrets and with a really clean environmental consciousness... Clean and fresh air and an atmosphere without too many greenhouse gases just belong to the healthy and undangerous living environment of humans and of other species on Earth... Therefore these otherwise really valuable creations belong to "our daily bread" that we cannot do without and they should be more and more common and affordable in the future of mankind...

b) In other words: line production can make hydrogen technologies affordable, too so that more customers can buy them more easily and the ventures dealing with hydrogen technologies have got at least the same profit, too... On the other hand crude-oil-based technologies threat to kill us one day because of the greenhouse effect - that means you cannot sell dangerous garbage any more but only healthy and valuable hydrogen technologies... Mankind has to change again like we changed from horse-carriages to steam engines and then from steam engines to electric locomotions - I think the time of crude oil is over, too and 21st Century must be the start of sustainable energies...

Of course, it is the market that decides about technologies and their prices... It is the customers who decide whether they want to store objects of immense market value in their garages and elsewhere or whether they want to live nearly free in the hydrogen infrastructure and to invest their money in things that we cannot even imagine yet... As Jesus Christ teaches deal with your fortune in a clever way...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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