Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hydrogen Factory - The Energy Density Of Liquid Hydrogen

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As far as I can remember I learned at high-school in the chemistry class that crude oil products burn at temperatures at about 900 degrees Celsius and hydrogen gas burns at temperatures at about 2700 degrees Celsius - so that you can even weld by hydrogen gas... That the flame of hydrogen has got approx. 3 times of the temperature of the flame of crude oil products means to me that you can heat up a combustion chamber by the same amount of hydrogen gas 3 times as much as by crude oil products... That means to me that hydrogen gas has got 3 times of the energy density of crude oil products... If you make liquid hydrogen out of hydrogen gas then you have the same energy in a much-much smaller volume...

You can hear everywhere that "hydrogen was in love with oxygen" in terms of water - but if you lead electricity in the water (electrolysis) then hydrogen and oxygen just part after all... Certainly you need much electricity to dissociate hydrogen and oxygen but you receive back the same energy when you use the hydrogen in a fuel cell or in a combustion engine... The much energy that you need to dissociate water only means that hydrogen gas or liquid hydrogen can store lots of energy...

Of course, you should produce liquid hydrogen mostly by using solar power - that is the sustainable energy of deserts and of the blazing sun... By now there are many technologies to capture the energy within sunlight... And there are technologies for the secure and affordable storage of liquid hydrogen, too - such as the external fuel tank of the Space Shuttles developed in the 1970's...

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Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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