Saturday, March 5, 2011

Environmental Protection Without Compromise

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think it is the biggest problem with the image of fully electric cars that they don't radiate too much strength... This image of weakness may originate from electricity's undenyable connection to luxury and to entertainment - and what is only luxurious and entertaining must be decadent, too because these ideas mean an exaggareted individuality and isolation from the rest of the world, respectively... Weakness is a pity because you should have the feeling that your car is going to transport you from one place to another in a secure and reliable way...

Fully electric cars could probably gain more strength if they constituted a fleet anyhow... Because a fleet of cars means an enterprise actually - in the case of electric cars it is about a venture of environmental protection obviously... Now how can you form a fleet of electric cars?

a) the electric car could be extremely luxurious and unique and cost the price of 10 average executive class cars;
b) the electric car could be the second car in your household;
c) the electric car could belong to a fleet of taxi cabs;
d) the electric car could be leased from the manufacturer etc.

(Multiple choices are possible...)

Visit: Rolls-Royce Main Page
        Electric Luxury (102 EX) Microsite

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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