Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valued Reader February 12th 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is the opportunity now that I could even have some privacy and a real human relationship, respectively... However it is not going to make my Blog:
- less actual
- less funny or
- less luxurious... At the most temporarily...

Even the popular De la Mikula News needs some change - if we don't change then we die...

My brain is devided in two parts: in one part there is my intelligence and in the other part there is my sense of humor... But this is wicked as you cannot lack love... Then my sense of humor there is somewhere in the middle...

"Do you want to leave me?"
"Yes..." (This means that he or she has lost his or her sense of humor...)

If I was really born in the USA then I could be maybe the first schyzophrenic President of the States - everybody needs to have a chance...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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