Saturday, February 12, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Traditional wisdom: when you are poor you are nervous - when you have money you are calm and calm people see the world right and in an objective way...

My new intellectual product: nervous people want change - is that a problem? Of course, you shouldn't be too nervous either because a nervous brain destroys the body and human relationships and then the culture finally...

But what if you don't want to change and to develop any more? Then you don't need human relationships again that motivate you normally to change and you give up conversation with the outer world although conversations make your brain work... Wealth means coma and blindness...

O.k., the Wolfinger-Boeing and De la Mikula and all other families in the world need their fortune in order to be able to organize difficult work and to solve difficult tasks in a simple way... But let us be aware of our isolation from others (other people mean the Holy Spirit from a religious point of view) after all...

My experience is and history shows us, too that people are always right... I can even imagine that everybody is right at the same time despite of their different point of views - because everybody knows something and everybody wants to contribute to the life of the world the best way he or she can...

The Wolfinger-Boeing and De la Mikula families - as the center of economical life - are not necessarily better than organized crime... We have to listen to the people and we have to follow God... Life defeats everything therefore we should support every seed that seems to be able to become a tree - based on the vast experience of mankind on what might be possibly healthy and what doesn't complete the creation but destroys it...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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