Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Applied Mathematics

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If you are travelling the First Class of a new Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental (further: a Jumbo Jet) then you arrive a little bit earlier at the destination airport than a passanger who was travelling in the last seat row... That means you are a little bit faster than a passanger travelling behind... I really don't understand much of higher mathematics unfortunately but people who do could even recon out how much faster a First Class passanger of the Jumbo Jet is than an Economy Class passanger in the last seat row - also considering that this little difference in the speed at which you fly there is during the whole flight of approx. 14,000 Kms... So how much faster is then a First Class passanger than an Economy Class passanger? (Of course, you also have to pay for this experience more...)

O.k., the First Class of the airplane has departed earlier than the Economy Class, too... However we are still thinking about the same vehicle and within this vehicle there exists a physical difference that you can express as speed... This difference must have been greater in a supersonic Concorde (if you consider the whole flight) but it is even there in a four-door passanger car... I would like to think this problem to the end...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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