Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Math App

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When the bow of a vehicle moves faster than the aft then it means that the vehicle wants to perform a circle motion... In a circle motion the outer part of the same object moves also faster than the inner part regarding the circle...

Probably you could turn these newly detected tendencies to circle motion of an aircraft for example into a straight forward motion by adding another vector to the forces that want to make the aircraft turn around its slower aft and that most likely brake it... Just like you add a vector to the rotating motion of helicopters so that they can fly straight ahead at all...

In case of an aircraft you could use the exhaust nozzle of the auxiliary power unit to provide with this new vector... If the auxiliary power unit could make the motion of the aircraft straighter then you could probably reach higher speeds at a lower fuel consumption...

I don't even dare to think of the possibility that you could probably make spacecraft also faster by adding a well chosen vector to their trajectory...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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