Friday, February 4, 2011

New Physical Force

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an everyday occurance that an airplane flies through a cloud... However a cloud can measure up to 25 tons (of water)... O.k., the airplane has got a more or less aerodynamic shape and the fog which the cloud consists of is very ductile, too... I think it is still very remarkable that the airplane can fly through 25 tons of anything (not to mention an entire cloud cover) without a scratching...

Furthermore I also think if anything can pass through a mass of 25 tons then it requires nothing but raw force... Now in what respect is the airplane stronger than a cloud? Probably the main difference between the aircraft and the cloud there is within the intelligence added to the matter of the aircraft... And then intelligence (the ability to solve problems) might be a new physical force that you have to and can recon with...

Of course, there are not only examples for the physical power of intelligence in avionics... You can pass through much heavier mountains than a cloud by car - if this car is an off-roader, if you build tunnels underneath the mountains or if you build a highway among the mountains... Or it might be also an effect of intelligence that you feel a car inside significantly larger and more comfortable than it looks from outside - intelligence expands space or so... Or there are just the neutrinos in nuclear physics which don't affect on anything but the brains of scientists and make them think...

Even history shows us that intelligence is able to break through all obstacles mankind faces from time to time and believes to be invincible and frightening... These obstacles in history are physical, technical or human problems and questions - until now intelligence has overcome everything sooner or later... Finally I would like to mention that humans dedicate the ability to defeat all resistance in nature to God and to love, respectively...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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