Sunday, February 20, 2011

Electric Luxury Of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My mind is standing still... My heart-beat is standing still... Because Rolls-Royce is moving forward in green technology, customer-relations and luxury...

I know an average RR customer is 70 years old, female and does not need a tent-garage with a floor - so I will have to work hard on me... But the RR 102 EX is going to be worth of the change...

"Electric drive: perfection or compromise?" I am saying RR is going to be perfection and electric drive is a compromise - but a very intelligent and civilized one... Hybrid-drive (mild-hybrid or wild-hybrid) means the mandatory good manners in car engineering nowadays...

Or just let us be simple and clear: additional electricity always means additional luxury, too... For example: washing machine, GPS navigation or iPod...

Visit: RR Main Page
        Electric Luxury (102 EX) Microsite

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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