Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Wolfinger-Boeing Companies have only 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million) employees worldwide... This number is a disaster compared to the approx. 4 - 4.5 Billion people on Earth able to work... Worldwide misery, poverty and economical recession can be all explained by the blindness of the Wolfinger-Boeing and De la Mikula families...

Of course, we all strive to find the responsible ones (the well hidden members of the international mafia) and they are going to be punished as well, I promise this to everybody... Recent history has shown us that "the presence of justice" is not a dream but even the most serious and powerful criminals can be found sooner or later and they can be stopped...

Maybe one more hint: if you don't seem to have rights then it may not necesserily depend on the friendly police, the military or politicians - if you don't have rights then it is about organized crime... Jesus Christ cannot and will not come back on a planet like this where human rights to work and to welfare are not valid because of the international mafia...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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