Monday, February 28, 2011

BUSINESS PARTNERS WANTED - Boeing Ecoliner And Sonic Cruiser Concepts

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As a proud member of the Boeing World Design Team I am certainly allowed to make decisions on my own as well... Therefore I am looking for a site worldwide where the new Boeing Ecoliner and Sonic Cruiser could be produced and/or for external suppliers - we have got both design teams and financial means to realize the projects...

In a few words about the Boeing Ecoliner and Sonic Cruiser concepts:

a) the Boeing Ecoliner is intended to be a short- and middle-range aircraft to replace the Boeing 737 on the most frequented routes in an extremely efficient way: one aircraft could replace 3 flights of the Boeing 737...

b) the Boeing Sonic Cruiser is intended to be a very long-range aircraft to replace the Boeing 767 - at dramatically increased speed, range and eco-efficiency...

Both concepts are actual because of the growing demand for aircraft-travel and eco-efficiency... Boeing wants to provide with solutions of traditional high quality and amazing innovation for the global market...

Governments and companies that are interested in a cooperation in the above 2 projects are asked to contact The Boeing Company at ... Thank you!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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