Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gear-Box For Electric Engines

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As far as I can remember Electric Output = Voltage x Current Intensity... So if you increase the voltage then you will need only a lower current intensity for the same output - and a lower current intensity means a lower electric resistance of the cables and so a better efficiency (of any electronic device)...

You can increase voltage and decrease current intensity for example in the electric engines of a car when it moves already fast and you don't need that much torque any more but output... Because torque of an electric engine must depend on the current intensity that creates the electromagnetic field that must determine the torque...

That means that the gear-box for the electric engines of a car (or for any other electric device) could be a series of electric transformators - and no mechanic implement...

Visit: RR Main Page
        Electric Luxury (102 EX) Microsite - a gear-box could be useful for cars with fully electric drive...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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