Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Giant Leap For Mankind - Every Month?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am enthousiastic about NASA and especially about their space telescopes... By now we know much more exoplanets than planets in our solar system... Most recently an entire planetary system has been detected around a star like the Sun... By the absolutely academic (approved) and accurate (reliable) scientific work of the researchers of NASA...

What if they go on like this? We can take a deep breath already now because mankind has found possible new living space for us so that we can multiply and spread - in the far future, of course... Or if one day NASA scientists even succeed in receiving radio waves from other inhabited planets (don't forget that a few years ago not even the existence of exoplanets was proven) then we will have found new friends in the universe... And I also think that it is only a technical problem and a question of time by now to find a solution for how we can travel among these newly discovered planets - as we have got so many new insights about the Universe...

I think the break-through results are there... (For this month?) Congratulations cordially! Visit: NASA !

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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