Friday, April 1, 2011

Hydrogen Factory - Science Lab April 1st 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My motivated little team has had the following question today: If every human is an intellectual and the knowledge of mankind is going to explode through space research then how can you avoid chaos and isolation in society?

We have found 2 answers:

1) It is very likely after all that most of the humans are thinking about the same problem at a given time: the steam engine, the automobile, nuclear energy or exoplanets... It is only good if we are not that different and everybody has got the time and energy for intellectual work because we are going to find solutions more easily and quickly this way... Together we are stronger in terms of being smarter, too...

2) Of course, even in the big and globalized human society everybody is a personality, too... If a personality does intellectual work then it grows to an expert with time... This is only a question of respect: you don't talk about isolated fools but experts... Experts use new information on their own terms and they give more or less individual answers to the challenges of time that makes them so valuable...

So after a little bit of conversation we found strength and unity instead of chaos and we found colors and diversity instead of isolation... Space research and team-work may really tune you optimistic...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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