Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hydrogen Factory - Science Lab April 2nd 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Now that I have fixed the "Cappuccino" issue my motivated little team has elaborated a further extension of the "21st Century Space Program..." Here it goes:

a) scheduled flights of the research starships;
b) the above visiting more or less space stations;
c) daily reports to the Starfleet Headquarters;
d) establishing the Fleet Wide Web - of course, available to the public, too;
e) "La Femme" sections;
f) individual alarm implement for each research starship;
g) 2 mandatory visits in the onboard sauna for men in a week;
h) onboard law enforcement and legal service;
i) holodeck excursions;
j) the SSN-excitement;
k) medical checks...

Congratulations cordially to the ingenious ideas and thank you very much!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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