Sunday, April 24, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen,

An arrow can fly without wings as well and it only needs a little bit of directing by feathers... As if an airplane only had its aft rudders... If you could sustain the flight of an arrow by engines then it could fly as far as you please (just like a rocket)... If you can stove the engines of an airplane in the fuselage (let's say in the "crown space") and if you can carry the fuel also in the fuselage (let's say in containers in the cargo space) then the airplane doesn't need its main wings at all... This would be only good because you could reduce drag and increase range...

The entire flight of an arrow is based on a trajectory - that means it has to do more with space flights and astrophysics than with aviation... The above "Flying Fuselage Concept" is an idea of one of my Grand-Mothers...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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