Saturday, April 9, 2011

Castles And Palaces

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think castles and palaces are always citadels of science and technology - if you feel good in them...

Signs of feeling good in your home:

1) the technical point of view: you maintain it and you keep updating it - so that you can use it for long;

2) the life-style point of view: as you have only one personality and as there is harmony within your family as well you don't need to have too many castles and palaces - so that they are not a waste of money but investments in representation, culture and freedom;

3) the psychological point of view: you need a castle or a palace because

a) you are a big fish of prey;
b) you are accostumed to expressing yourself;
c) and you are in love...

If you have further questions about the intelligent and profitable usage of a castle or of a palace you can hit up history-books focusing on the development of mankind and not wars...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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