Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Collection Of Exotic Cars

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You sometimes may be wondering what certain exotic cars are good for - here you have 3 examples:

a) Gran Tourismo - it means a sportive car with a big trunk;
b) Landaulet - the experience of a convertible with a driver;
c) Sedanca de Ville - you can drive by a sedanca de ville in 2 directions:

1) into the city - and then your car is a romantic convertible with an elegant passenger compartment;
2) out of the city - and then your car is a limousine opening up to enjoy the countryside...

Especially the subtile sedanca de ville has become a rarity by today - maybe it is eligible in the bespoke program of a luxury car manufacturer...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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