Sunday, April 24, 2011

Australia - A Continent On The Move

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Europe and France, respectively have already presented the Statue of Liberty to the USA - what a success! Russia has presented Alaska to the USA - what a success! And so on... I think it is time to think about Australia, too...

a) The political aspect: Now that the superpower United Kingdom with its Commonwealth Realms has joined the European Union and because even huge Russia and related states can be considered as an important part of Europe in many respects (Monaco is not that important) Europe has probably become too large with its countless traditions and nostalgy...

b) The technical aspect: Australia is physically really so far away from Europe - how could Australia contribute to the European culture and economy and how could Europe contribute to the Australian culture and economy? These questions may be interesting even in the age of the internet and of satellites because personal human relationships cannot be replaced by anything...

c) The economical aspect: the USA is diing...

So I have the following idea: Europe and the United Kingdom, respectively could present Australia to the USA for 100 years and then they could present it to the USA for another 100 years if there are arguments for this input of power in the future, as well... Such a giving could be of advantage both for Europe and for the USA emotionally...

"Australia - Enjoy your flight!" or "Australia - Land of the free, home of the brave!" Which sounds better?

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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