Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hydrogen Factory - Life Begins With Love

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My wife, Berta Wolfinger-Boeing has questioned me today if I can make an intelligent connection between our elder and smaller palaces and our new mega-palaces... It hasn't been easy to answer her question but by now I know the solution...

I think life (even the good life) begins with love - and things don't work in the opposite direction: (high) life on its own doesn't create love... Probably everybody connects a cozy and romantic home with nice people (being nice might be the most important quality in human society) and then, if you can afford you can multiply the number of your rooms...

However I don't know what comes from high-performance palaces if you put them on the first place... The needs of life, calculation, lies (because I don't think you can live as a part of a machine or as a part of an artwork) - misery? These are important questions because our successors are going to grow up in the mega-palaces mostly...

Therefore I believe that our new and huge palaces should be only the necessary extensions of our smaller and cozy homes - and this should be conscious to our family members, to our friends and to the public... Because life (even the high or the good life) results from love...

Of course, it is a beautiful idea, too to live together with all of your friends and relatives - but you can reach this little piece of heaven only by mathematics if you want to; this is all only a question of organization... Once you have the core of love in your heart and on your mind...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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