Saturday, April 9, 2011

Valued Reader April 9th 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Of course, anything can be a major stately or corporate investment of yours as soon as you give your project a name - such as "Enterprise" or "Victory" or "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert..." This half serious - half funny giving a name to the matter of your heart is a very old and natural human tradition - this way children have got a name, as well... And then just don't let crazy people bring you down...

I am doing already so good that it is the most awkward thing in my life when I cannot help laughing... By the way: I am looking for home personnel in terms of a concierge (who can do everything in my household including driving a car) and a shared bodyguard (I don't expect too many security issues and the emphasis should be on prevention, of course therefore being a bodyguard promises to be a very difficult intellectual work, as well - including driving a car)...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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