Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Reverse Engine

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On ocean going vessels the reverse engine has been there since steam engines were used as a propulsion for a very powerful braking... On aircraft with jet engines you can find the reverse thrust in order to increase the braking powers again...

You could use kind of a reverse engine on cars as well (on trains which consist of several coaches a reverse engine would only make the coaches collide) by activating the reverse motion in the gear-box... You could do this by a second brake pedal and/or the reverse motion could be activated by an onboard security computer, too... Of course, all this in cooperation with the seat belts and the stability controls etc. I don't know what you want to save: the power train of steel, the tyres or human lives? In a limousine speeding by over 300 km/h such a reverse engine could be of advantage for sure... Or in a slower coach with 40 - 50 passengers on board...

So from the 2000 HP and hydrogen propelled Maybach you have the brakes already...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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