Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce May 29th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have already seen that a Rolls-Royce motor car is not only there for pleasure and representation but it can also create revenue and attract money - just like other major investments... How useful a Rolls-Royce in a household can be actually I would like to collect some ideas about it:

1) A Rolls-Royce costs as much as a luxurious house or apartment, only that it is meant for the streets and the wide public - what does it mean:

a) you are sensational,
b) you are protected,
c) you are influential and
d) you are sensitive...

2) A Rolls-Royce belongs to the most traditional cars of the world - what does it mean:

e) you respect the achievements of the past,
f) you are out to work for the future,
g) you have got traditional values and
h) you have your own traditions, too...

3) I think a Rolls-Royce is one of the most emotional and romantic cars as well - what does it mean:

i) you have got emotional stability in your life,
j) you have the spirit of an artist and you are creative,
k) you like socializing and
l) you have got elevated purposes...

Now a Rolls-Royce owner with so many qualities and such a beautiful coat-of-arms doesn't work for money any more but for the welfare of mankind...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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