Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hydrogen Factory - The Difference

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have a little popular science for beginners or disguised people... It is the difference between hydrogen combustion engines and fuel cells that there are no flames or tiny explosions in fuel cells - that is why fuel cells are preferred in spacecraft...

Otherwise as fuel cells don't use the energy of the water steam after the creation of water the energy efficiency of fuel cells is much worse than that of hydrogen combustion engines... In hydrogen combustion engines not only the little flames but also the very hot water steam can be used...

The difference between crude oil products and hydrogen is that crude oil products burn at a temperature of approx. 900 degrees Celsius while hydrogen burns at a temperature of approx. 2,700 degrees Celsius - so you can store much more energy in hydrogen than there is in crude oil products... Actually you can weld with a hydrogen flame...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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