Monday, April 16, 2012

Theories On Infinity April 16th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

How can it be that the Gospel is finite in physical terms (both the happenings and the reports about them) but the Good News is infinite:

a) it talks to everybody in the created world and
b) it deals approx. with all of our problems...

Otherwise the rest of the Bible is the same way finite and infinite, too...

On emotional grounds I can only say that the Gospel (just as a part of the living Lord Jesus) is alive:

a) it is functional and
b) it has got the ability to grow...


a) Functional must mean for theology that the Gospel contains the truth about God - and both God and His truth are endless...
b) The ability to grow must mean for theology that the love of God contained in the Gospel is personal - that is why it can reach and change everybody...

Altogether we can say that the Word of God is endless - that is why it has magical powers, too: it can heal, it can create peace and it can bring knowledge in the world, as well... The Word of God seems to be the most useful occurrence in the created world - and being useful seems to have the tightest connections with infinity...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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