Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our Animal Friends

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Recent experiments with dolphins have shown that dolphins are as intelligent as we think in general about them... Sci-fi movies even deal with the topic of making dolphins members of the U.N.O.

However other species can be also intelligent - but many of them are animals of prey... How can lions be a member of the U.N.O. when they eat impalas? Or how could sharks be a member of the U.N.O. when they eat even humans? Not to mention that I am disgusted by raptiles and octopuses and spyders...

It is still possible that these animals are as intelligent as dolphins only that they are animals of prey and we project our aggression into them that means we only think that these animals of prey are less intelligent than animals that eat plants or only smaller fish in a discret way (like dolphins)...

Or what about some domesticated animals like dogs and horses - that are commonly known as very intelligent? And what about chickens and geese that are our victims so to say? You can deal with pork bellies at the stock exchange but you just ignore swine in the politics...

That means the stance of animals could be an eternal question of the world, too... Intelligence vs. nutrition...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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