Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Interpretation Of The Bible

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Wolfinger-Boeing and De la Mikula families don't intend to pay the Wolfinger-Boeing Tax in the century in which Jesus Christ returns on Earth and makes all the dead people resurrect... Because all dead humans have got a bank deposit that is going to be paid with interests on the day of their resurrection - as far as I know... The resurrected are going to cause immense general happiness and support their families - this is another reason why the Wolfinger-Boeing Tax was an exaggaration...

I don't want to commit blasphemy, of course and I don't want to hurt the feelings of anybody either... However I believe that Jesus Christ is going to return on Earth one day and that all dead humans have got kind of a life insurance, as well...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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