Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our Animal Friends - 3 Suggestions

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I suggest that animals have an own Parliament after all - they must live in a significantly different world and they must have more or less different problems, too...

I also suggest that the 90% Rule is used in the Animal Parliament - that means only animals can participate at the Animal Parliament that are at least to 90% similar to humans: it doesn't make a sense to make a Parliament in an other way... Being an animal of prey means for example a minus of 5% - while being the meal of humans means another minus of 5%... Because you cannot really eat your conversation partner and you have got to keep up connections to the world of humans as well...

Furthermore I suggest that at least one member should represent every genus - for example the snake the disgusting raptiles or the bee and the ant the insects...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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