Sunday, January 9, 2011

Air Dominance

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I was always a supporter of private supersonic air traffic... I don't mean ballooning around the Earth for days in a telephone cell and I don't mean reaching nearly as much orbit as a space shuttle of any type either (even if two tourist spacecraft were launched from underneath a carrier airplane at one flight to achieve better efficiency)... But what I think of is selling supersonic "fighter jets" to the public - without missiles and other weapons, of course, and with additional fuel tanks instead...

The problem is that such fighter jets are rather uncomfortable, especially on longer journeys... Well, I have two ideas for increasing the comfort of supersonic "fighter jets" - I would call them "eco-jets" or "smart-jets" in the public version otherwise...

Additional speed very often means additional comfort... For example, if a train lays back a certain route in only 1 hour instead of 4 hours then you can say that the super rapid train is much more comfortable than the conventional express etc. The same way, you could also increase the travelling speed of ecojets from supersonic to hypersonic (up to Mach 10) by air-breathing rocket engines... That means you could cross the Atlantic Ocean in 1 hour e.g.

Furthermore you could also do without the excessive armouring of the former combat jets and design a passanger cabin for 4 travellers with coolbox, ventillated and massage seats and other luxuries for the smartjets... As it is very important to arrive in a relaxed way anywhere...

The price of these hypersonic ecojets or smartjets wouldn't be more or less than global peace - so that the above mentioned technology can become available to the public... Because hypersonic flights at a highth of approx. 30 Kms would be fun otherwise...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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