Thursday, May 19, 2011

Luxury-Spy May 20th 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There were light-headed promises about installing swimming pools on commercial airliners in the past years - but they were not fullfilled until now... The Boeing Company is still the closest to offering a whirlpool for the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental... But what about swimming as a sport activity? Well, you could implement a small swimming pool with a strong contracurrent machine - but this solution is only meant for airport holds...

The "FLOOD TIDE PACKAGE" of Boeing provides you with the natural experince of swimming during the flight... It is known that liquids in a container keep their position because of their inert mass: if you turn around with a bowl of water the water doesn't turn with you... I guess this effect also occurs during the straight and uniform motion (flight) of an airplane: the water in the swimming pool doesn't want to follow the rest of the airliner because of its inert mass and so its surface becomes slanting... At a cruising speed of over 900 Km/h this slant must be already very meaningful so that you have to swim upward the flood tide strongly - as long as you can or want to...

The Flood Tide Package is available for the new Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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