Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hydrogen Factory - Science Lab May 1st 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hydrogen Factory proudly presents its 4th product: the force... Just kidding... Our "FLEET PACKAGE" for the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental (the Airbus A380 airliners are already very large alone, too) simply means that a fleet of 3 - 5 aircraft flies from a departure airport to a destination airport together... The advantages are obvious:

a) increased flight security - as a fleet of airplanes means a smaller spot in the sky than 3 - 5 separated flights;
b) more luxury - as on a fleet of aircraft you have got more of everything than on one single jet;
c) better fuel efficiency - because of the trick with the center of gravity...

A fleet of 3 - 5 airliners has got a common center of gravity, too as the airplanes are orbiting each other and a common center of gravity, respectively... Now what happens if the airplanes take off? Their common center of gravity remains on the ground because the aircraft soar towards a very low Earth orbit where there is no gravity and because the common center of gravity of the airliner fleet is not within the airplanes - they don't carry it with themselves... I suppose that when the fleet of airliners reaches the cruising altitude their center of gravity on the ground dissolves because the fleet flies in a low Earth orbit where there is no gravity... When the fleet wants to land and the airplanes descend they are leaving weightlessness, too and a common center of gravity is formed somewhere on the ground made of the vectors of negative acceleration and of growing gravity...

The "FLEET PACKAGE" is available with Hydrogen Factory at the usual terms and conditions of our contracts... Powered by Artificial Factory...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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